Even though students would be on break during Hanukkah, we couldn’t resist transforming our last campus Shabbat programs of the semester into one huge Hanukkah party!
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Even though students would be on break during Hanukkah, we couldn’t resist transforming our last campus Shabbat programs of the semester into one huge Hanukkah party!

We brought the sights, sounds and – most important – tastes of Hanukkah to Hillel early with latkes, jelly donuts, menorah making and dreidel scratchers, and the students had an absolute blast. Hanukkah is such a joyous holiday all about spreading light onto others,, and this was the best way to put a cap on a fun-filled semester.

Hillel also participated in the holiday display at USD with a large poster explaining Hanukkah, dreidels, gelt and a Chanukiah-all of which was displayed publicly throughout all of December.

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