Students at each of our four campuses have the opportunity to take part in the Jewish Learning Fellowship program, which is a 10-week conversational seminar for students to dive into Judaism and understand the religion in their own way.
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Students at each of our four campuses have the opportunity to take part in the Jewish Learning Fellowship program, which is a 10-week conversational seminar for students to dive into Judaism and understand the religion in their own way. So far this year, 35 students participated in engaging fellowship. This term, another 27 students are signed up to take the seminar.

There are big questions and topics every week with the goal of exploring our tradition in a safe space. The UC San Diego and CSUSM topic of the last quarter was “Sex, Love, and Romance.” SDSU and USD will be discussing “Life’s Biggest Questions.” This series is taught by our UC San Diego Springboard Fellow, Nikki Golomb and SDSU Springboard Fellow Shoshana Rice

At CSUSM students now also have the opportunity to take a weekly Hebrew class.  The goal of this student-initiated class is to establish a working knowledge of Hebrew that will enable our students to not only converse in Hebrew but read and write as well. 

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