
Hillel of San Diego’s 2021 Annual Meeting Was a Night to Remember!

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Hillel of San Diego’s 2021 Annual Meeting was a night to remember. Check out the program here!  

You can also watch the evening here

On June 15, 2021, Hillel of San Diego elected it’s new 2022 Board of Directors:

Todd Kirschen, President*
Wayne Harris, President Elect*
Steve Levine, Vice President of Finance*
Mitch Siegler, Secretary*
Joel Smith, Immediate Past President*
Emily Jennewein, At-Large Executive Committee Member*
Jodi Diamond and Laura Galinson, At-Large Executive Committee Member*
Jerry Goldberg, At-Large Executive Committee Member*

Juli Bear
Julie Datnow
Mitch Dubick
Heidi Gantwerk
Monica Handler-Penner
Larry Katz
Jessica Lemoine
Sabrina Leitner
Michael Levinson
Rabbi Scott Meltzer

Danielle Miller
Robert Rubenstein
Robbie Stone
Bryan Wax
Shana Weisman

Jeff Ewan, Audit Committee Chair
David Michan, Building Committee Chair

Ofek Suchard, SDSU Student Representative
Lucy Beckett, UCSD Student Representative
Ben Zarrabian, USD Student Representative

We want to extend our deepest gratitude to the outgoing 2021 board members; Michelle Berkowitz, Hollie Bierman, Lee Abed, Jasmine Elisha, and Rhett Gavson. 

Hillel of San Diego also honored Michael Rabkin with the Tikkun Olam Award, Emily Jennewein with the Board President’s Award, and Ofek Suchard, Bianca Kermani, and Josh Glasser with the Student Leadership Awards.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for this memorable celebration of Hillel of San Diego.

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