

Your Hillel of San Diego family has been waiting with bated breath (pun intended) to see you all again in person. And while we cannot wait for the day when we can truly put this pandemic behind us, we are overjoyed with reopening our doors and beginning to emerge from an all-virtual Hillel to a newly reopened Hillel.
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As we implement best practices for staying healthy, we embrace the value of pikuach nefesh, the primacy of the sanctity of life. We take this obligation seriously and will do all we can to provide safe spaces to gather as we continue to build Jewish community. 

Please keep in mind that this pandemic is not functioning like an on-off light switch but rather a dimmer so please be patient with us, with each other, and with yourself and we all ride out this challenging time together. 

The details below describe procedures which will be in place for fall 2021 until further notice. Our COVID policies are reviewed regularly to take into consideration evolving CDC recommendations and our campus policies. We reserve the right to change these policies at any time.

Proof of vaccination is required at Hillel. As a student, you are also required to be vaccinated so simply showing your current school ID will suffice in sharing vaccination status. Outside guests will need to show proof of vaccination. 

Masks are required for everyone inside.  Disposable masks will be available to all guests who do not arrive with their own mask. 

Please familiarize yourself with the following policies so that we can work together to keep each other safe and healthy, and so that we can ensure Hillel events can continue throughout the semester.

What you can expect from staff

All Hillel staff are vaccinated and will be wearing masks at all indoor Hillel events, at large outdoor events, and where social distancing is not possible.

Event/Building Guidelines

  • Social distancing is encouraged at all times. 
  • Masks are required at all times inside.
    • You may remove your mask briefly to drink but please put it back on when you are done.
    • Eating is not allowed inside. 
  • Masks are not required outside unless a specific program requires it. 
    • All Shabbat meals will be served outside. 
    • Programs in the sukkah will be masked.
    • Large Group programs (20+ people at UCSD; 40+ at SDSU, numbers will vary based on the space at USD and CSUSM) will require masks. 

If someone refuses to wear a mask, they will be respectfully asked to leave. 

Accommodating unvaccinated students

Students who are unable to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine for medical reasons must show proof of exception to a Hillel staff member. Upon approval, these students will be permitted to attend Hillel events with the following requirements: (1) proof of a negative test within 24-36 hours; (2) masking for the entirety of the event or engagement.

If you become sick/think you are sick

  • Please do not go to Hillel if you are feeling sick, have a temperature, or have recently been exposed to any illness, including COVID-19.
  • If you have any symptoms of any illness and have recently attended a Hillel event or meeting, please notify someone on the Hillel staff immediately, so we can discuss if you have been in contact with anyone else at Hillel. We will make every effort to keep your identity confidential as we share information with those you may have been in contact with. The communication will look something like: “Dear student, You were recently at a Hillel event where someone may be/has tested positive for COVID-19. Please monitor your symptoms over the next 7 days.
  • If you have tested positive with Covid-19, please use the necessary time to recuperate. Please follow CDC guidelines. If you test positive for COVID, we request you follow CDC guidelines and self isolate for 10 days after onset of symptoms and 24 hours fever free. After your isolation period, we welcome you back to Hillel. If you were an asymptomatic positive, we request you follow the same CDC guidelines for 10 days of isolation, and we look forward to seeing you when the isolation period is over.
  • Let us know how we can help! We would love to send food, help with academic accommodations or anything else you need so you can focus on healing.

If you have further questions, please contact Karen Parry,

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