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One of the best parts of my job is getting to just sit with a student and talk. I know when I went to Hillel as a student myself, I felt so special that Keri Copans (my Hillel Director at UCSD…way back in the day), always remembered me and made me feel special. Getting to do that now for young people, truly, is the highlight of my day. 

I always like to ask, “Tell me your story.” Often students are swept up in the pressures of college life. The pressures of classes. The pressures of work or interning. The pressures of finding their place in the world. Asking that simple question reminds them that they have a story that matters. 

Yesterday I got the chance to talk to one of our student leaders, Jack. I was wowed by his passion and motivation to be a leader. He told me he never does anything half-way. When he came to college he got involved in Greek life but then had to become the president of his fraternity. He had to take 5 classes (normal course load is 3-4). But what gave me pause was when he said, “at Hillel, I can just be me.”

When he came to Hillel it wasn’t about being an overachiever. It wasn’t about being the best. It was just about being. I honestly stopped our conversation and asked if I could share his story with you because it was just so powerful. (Don’t worry, he was happy to share!)

Hillel is home. It’s the place where I feel safest being me. It’s the place where I want to be. I like coming to Shabbat. I like coming to study. I like getting to be a Student Ambassador here*. I don’t even know where I would go if there wasn’t Hillel.

Hillel is a safe space for college students. The work we do at Hillel isn’t always easy but the best things aren’t always easy.  Building Jewish life matters. Through Hillel, students, just like Jack, are reminded of their inherent value. Sometimes it’s in the little moments. The small sit downs. The casual Shabbats. These moments are when Jewish identities are being fortified and where our Jewish future is being shaped. It’s the whole reason for Hillel.  

So as the school year starts, I encourage you to take someone out and ask, “tell me your story.” You might be surprised by what you learn. 

*Student Ambassadors work at Hillel’s front desk and are responsible for ensuring everyone who walks through the door feels welcome and valued. 

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