Last night at the Welcome Back BBQ, students planted their legacy tree in the backyard to memorialize those lost on October 7th and in the war. SDSU President Adela de la Torre was in attendance and spoke about how students were able to show up as leaders and leave a lasting legacy on their community through Hillel.
Today is Tu BiShvat, and it’s a great reminder that we all need to plant seeds for the future of our Jewish community. An easy and meaningful way to do that is through joining the Hillel of San Diego Legacy Society. Just this week, it was inspiring to see Maya Satnick, who graduated in 2023, join the Legacy Society. She knew the importance of investing in the future of Hillel of San Diego at age 22.
“I joined the legacy society because during my time at SDSU, I saw how Hillel of San Diego changed my life for the better, and I want to be a part of that for others in the future.”
– Maya Satnick
Like so many others, Maya has recognized the critical importance of Hillel of San Diego and the need to maintain our organization’s strength, especially as we continue to lead the effort to make college campuses better for Jewish students.

Other community members, like you, are investing in the future of Hillel of San Diego. Amazing leaders Franklin and Jean Gaylis shared:
“Hillel provides a warm, heimishe home away from home for all Jewish students. We are committed to preserving this safe and nurturing environment and are honored to support Hillel, especially during these challenging times on campus.
Every time we look into the eyes of our grandchildren, we see future Hillel leaders! This is why we committed to include Hillel of San Diego in our legacy plan – L’dor v’dor!”
You can check out all the folks who believe in investing in our collective Jewish future and have joined Hillel’s Legacy Society here.
To those of you who are already a part of our Legacy Society, thank you for your commitment to generations of Jewish students who will never get the chance to thank you themselves. If your name is missing from our honor roll and you want to join, please reach out to Lisa Kalal, to discuss ways to add your name to the list.
Once you become a member of the Legacy Society, you will have access to meaningful special programs like our upcoming 2nd Annual Legacy Society Lunch and Learn on February 27th at the Glickman Hillel Center!
May you plant something meaningful today!