
An Announcement from our Board President

Elizabeth & Mitch Siegler
The Presidents’ Challenge starts TODAY!
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I don’t write often, so I’ll keep it brief.

Together with four previous Hillel of San Diego board presidents and their families, my family is prepared to meaningfully increase its gift to Hillel of San Diego this year.

The other presidents and I are offering to match all gifts pledged before year-end up to $100,000 if other members of our community step up to meet our match. We’re calling it the Presidents’ Challenge, and it starts TODAY!

We’re inspired to do our part and dig deeper this year because Jewish college students in our San Diego community need us. They need ALL OF US to care about our collective Jewish future and everything it takes to make it better – fighting antisemitism, cultivating Jewish joy, strengthening Jewish leadership, and fostering a connected Jewish community here in San Diego. Hillel was built for times like these, and the Hillel of San Diego team does all these things exceptionally well!

The concept of Kol Yisrael Aravim ze la zeh – that all Jews are responsible for one another – is deeply rooted in Jewish ethical teachings and tradition.

So, my friends…please join me and the other past presidents (Wayne Harris, Todd Kirschen, David Michan, and Emily Jennewein) and do your part. It’s our shift. It’s up to us.

Am Yisrael Chai!


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